A trampoline fail so bad, his pants failed.
Funny Trampoline Fail – Watch MoreFunny Videos
Wear a belt dude.
Saw this on Fail Blog. I think she was punished for all the profanity she was spewing! Shit, Looks pretty painful, but seriously who puts a fan that close to the second floor railing.
Remember when air travel was a fancy event and people wore suits and dresses. I’m sure this guy is a very good person, but how does this not violate the no shirt/no shoes requirement. Overalls and nothing else is not okay.
updated: I was certain that this guy would be next to me on the flight, but I was lucky and instead sat next to a little girl who decided to sleep on her father’s lap… Since I was sitting next to the window in the overbooked flight it was a definite plus with more arm room.
How do you tell the girl behind the counter that the added benefit of her dark tan is offset by the large aviator sunglass tan-lines.
The most awful, terrible, parkour flip jump NUTSHOT onto a tree video of all time so far.
Why I just ignore them altogether.
via: facebook fails