So guess who forgot that they placed their iPad on the top of the car? Thankfully I remembered it halfway down the street or the neighbors would have probably called the cops on the strange crazy person kneeling in the middle of the road with their arms stretched towards the heavens screaming “NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo” … Someone was looking out for me today !
I must have been partying way too much because I have ignored the site quite a bit. Yeah we’ll just stick with the too much party excuse…
Happy New Year! and now it is time to post a bunch of stuff I found that was hilarious while on vacation. Of course while I am on vacation I am really happy and things tend to tickle my funny bone a little easier. Truth is they may not be that funny now due to the fact that I am not full of “happy egg nog,” but maybe if you see the items and at the time they are not funny, get yourself some Happy Juice and look at them again. They may just be funny when you see them through happy eyes.
Well here is hoping that you all have had a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year and the next year is fantastic….
Oh Yeah and that the Crazies are wrong about the Mayans!
Pictures are From Lovely Package
That’s a lot of ones! Maybe I will eat 11 doughnuts to celebrate
Just read an article about some twins who are turning 11 today… They might be evil
interesting enough when you google 11/11/11 you get this crazy result
(11 / 11) / 11 = 0.0909090909
Wow… What does it mean!
Don’t worry folks, that gust of wind you felt was the collective sigh of disappointment by the news media, not Irene!- My Funny Wife
Remember when air travel was a fancy event and people wore suits and dresses. I’m sure this guy is a very good person, but how does this not violate the no shirt/no shoes requirement. Overalls and nothing else is not okay.
updated: I was certain that this guy would be next to me on the flight, but I was lucky and instead sat next to a little girl who decided to sleep on her father’s lap… Since I was sitting next to the window in the overbooked flight it was a definite plus with more arm room.
I think the Dark Knight was one of the best movies ever… I really cannot wait to see the new one. Please go ahead, hurry up, and finish the movie and.. um.. yeah release it. PLEEZE!
(click to view reenactment) So I watched a woman this morning in her minivan, leaving McDonalds, turn left across 2 lanes of busy traffic onto a busy road. How did I see this? She pulled out right in front of me, I had to slam my brakes, as she slowed down blocking both lanes, including mine, and eventually pulled out onto the other side of the street and went along her way. Now the cars traveling in the lane that she ended up in had to slam their brakes and 3 of them swerved, barely missing her and each other. Lots of horns honking, except for mine because I was sitting there wide eyed, with my mouth open. The woman looked totally calm. I would like to present to you above, a reenactment of the scene, with some slight embellishment included, but still very, very, similar.
There was an interesting article on the internet a couple days ago linked below.
Let The Arguments Fly: Study Shows Women More Likely To Cause Traffic Accidents.
(Now I know this is not true for everyone… but the woman I witnessed this morning gives us strong evidence backing up the claim)