A trampoline fail so bad, his pants failed.
Funny Trampoline Fail – Watch MoreFunny Videos
Wear a belt dude.
Enjoying your shiny new iPhone you received from Christmas and are glad to be finished with your blackberry. Don’t throw that old thing away just yet, you never know if you are going to need it again. Here is a warning that is absolutely true!
(Side-note: If Apple is so great at designing hardware then why can’t they build a phone that does not shatter into sand when you drop it from your knee onto the plush carpet?
(Way Off Subject Side Note: Remember when you only had to charge your Nokia cellphone once a week?)
Via: Autocowrecks.com
This is how boring signs are changed by fabulous people and made better, stronger, faster, funnier!
I must have been partying way too much because I have ignored the site quite a bit. Yeah we’ll just stick with the too much party excuse…
Happy New Year! and now it is time to post a bunch of stuff I found that was hilarious while on vacation. Of course while I am on vacation I am really happy and things tend to tickle my funny bone a little easier. Truth is they may not be that funny now due to the fact that I am not full of “happy egg nog,” but maybe if you see the items and at the time they are not funny, get yourself some Happy Juice and look at them again. They may just be funny when you see them through happy eyes.
Well here is hoping that you all have had a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year and the next year is fantastic….
Oh Yeah and that the Crazies are wrong about the Mayans!
Pictures are From Lovely Package